DRAMA Movies and Tvshows - Page 773

The Reason I Jump (2020)

IMDb: 7.5

Based on the book by Naoki Higashida, this immersive film explores the experiences of non speaking autistic people around the world

Urban Envy (2014)

IMDb: 4.9

After Marcus wins the annual dance competition he earns the covenant title of Mr Ballroom Unfortunately, Marcus unknowingly invokes the murderous wrath of the most dangerous gangster in town, Lenny All hell breaks loose when painf

The Green Sea (2021)

IMDb: 6.0

A lone writer lives a life of isolation until her world changes by the appearance of a strange young girl

My Heart Cant Beat Unless You Tell It To

IMDb: 6.0

Two mysterious siblings find themselves at odds over care for their frail and sickly younger brother

Love Child (2019)

IMDb: 7.0

A poignant portrait of a family of asylum seekers desperate to start a new life, but stalled in bureaucratic limbo

Hennessy (1975)

IMDb: 6.0

Hennessy is an Irishman who believes in peace, but who has had connections to the I R A After his family is killed, and he plots revenge, setting out to assassinate Queen Elizabeth II

The Brute (1977)

IMDb: 6.3

Glamour model Diane Shepherd is routinely being beaten by her husband Tim, who accuses her of infidelity When she cant take it anymore, she finds shelter with photographer Mark and his

Limbo (2020)

IMDb: 7.2

Omar is a promising young musician Separated from his Syrian family, he is stuck on a remote Scottish island awaiting the fate of his asylum request

Kapp to Cape (2015 )

IMDb: 6.6

In August 2013, Reza Pakravan and Steven Pawley embarked on their expedition, as they attempted to set the World Record for the Fastest Bicycle Journey from Nordkapp in the Arctic Circle to Cape Town in South Africa

Tough Cop (1976)

IMDb: 6.4

Camilla is a little girl suffering with a kidney disorder Before she can receive her next due treatment she gets kidnapped The gangsters intend to blackmail her rich father

Lonely Hearts (1982)

IMDb: 6.8

In this offbeat comedy, an unlikely romance develops between a flamboyant, middle aged piano tuner and an extremely timid office worker In HD

Doug (2020)

IMDb: 6.0

Unknown actor Doug Bridgers will stop at nothing to establish himself as a leading man in the always evolving Hollywood Film Industry

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions the Mov

IMDb: 6.4

The main heroine, she wields a Wicked Eye darkness tamed by the power of a pure heart, which she conceals underneath an eye patch She is cautious of strangers and she is also rather clumsy, often tripping over and forgetting thing

Tokyo Mafia (1995)

IMDb: 5.7

Ginya Yabuki is a successful criminal on the fringes of Kabukicho, dealing in whale meat and flash memory chips with a small group of six comrades But it wasnt always like this Yabuki

Posibilidades AKA Street Savages (2020)

IMDb: 2.1


Lao hu tian ji (1978)

IMDb: 6.3

Multi Hand Chick asks Crazy Frog for protection after stealing someones wallet at the casino Foolishly he accepts, and even more foolishly he follows her home and removes his Invincible Armor when she pretends to be willing to slee

The Dreamlife of Angels (1998)

IMDb: 7.5

The lives of two dissimilar girls turned out in different ways

Barely Dreaming (2021)


When fiction novelist Adrian Aytese falls terminally ill, he lets his sister Paige in on a secret book he scripted in a journal The book details his exhaustive search for a mysterious lady of his past dreams A special sand given to

Madison and the Happiness Jar (2021)

IMDb: 6.7

When a happiness jar lands in Madisons possession, it unexpectedly leads her to interesting crossroads, new friendships, true love, self empowerment and ultimately new beginnings

Inside a Change (2009)

IMDb: 7.9

A young man, sentenced to six months in prison, goes home for his last day of freedom to throw a birthday party for his mother and try to bring his two brothers together and be a family

Miracle in a Spiny Bur: The Chestnut Fam

IMDb: 7.2

Yuka Shibuya, a struggling actress, and Hatsue, a widowed chestnut farmer meet a mysterious bloody man in the farm The three end up living together during chestnut season and form a special bond while a miracle slowly unfolds

Paradise Club (2016)

IMDb: 6.1

Paradise Club Teaser

Desert Shores (2018)

IMDb: 5.5

Hoping to convince his wife that a promotion across the country could change their lives, Brian takes her on a trip to a faded resort town where they once honeymooned Here, Brian is forced to examine his own marriage, fears, and int

Another Woman (2015)

IMDb: 5.9

An aspiring actor takes on a case that requires her to assume a false identity In hopes of preparing for the lead role in a play, she agrees to trick a man into taking her as his mistress, but things escalate far more than she had o

The Family Plus One (1965)

IMDb: 6.0

Over the years, the life of the disproportionate family of Carlos Alonso has undergone several changes the birth of little Maria, the sixteenth child, coincided with the death of the mother, who left behind her an irreparable gap T

La gran familia (1962)

IMDb: 6.6

Carlos Alonso and Mercedes Cebrian are parents of fifteen children of different ages They all live with the grandfather and depend exclusively on Carlos work moonlighting rigger as the sole breadwinner, which puts them in constant

Matthias & Maxime (2019)

IMDb: 6.8

A drama focusing on a group of friends in their late 20s

Shaowu the Bad (2017)

IMDb: 5.7

When her mom dies unexpectedly, a rebellious teen is reunited with her dad, a small time Taipei gangster, causing him to question his life of crime until a corrupt cop turns their world upside down

Gypsy 83 (2001)

IMDb: 6.8

Two young misfits head for New York City to celebrate their idol and muse, Stevie Nicks, at The Night of 1,000 Stevies Along the road, in order for them to escape their painful pasts, they must discover their strengths and learn sel

The Valley (2017)

IMDb: 7.3

Devastated by his daughters suicide, an immigrant entrepreneur working in high tech seeks answers to his lingering questions

Harina (2018)

IMDb: 7.2

Roberto is a middle class working professional trying to survive Venezuelas economic death spiral and current humanitarian crisis while maintaining his unemployed mother An argument breaks out when she asks him to buy flour for her

The Dishwasher (2019)

IMDb: 7.0

A chef at a fine dining restaurant in New York City asks a Mexican dishwasher to find good tortillas

Fly Me to Minami (2013)

IMDb: 4.4

In this coming of age story, a fashion editor, a photographer, a shopkeeper, and a flight attendant are explored over three countries The lives, loves, and careers of these characters are

Prisoners of the Moon (2019)

IMDb: 5.8

Was Arthur Rudolph, a central figure in the first Moon Landing, also involved in war crimes involving the death of 20,000 slave labourers in World War 2

Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Impossibl

IMDb: 7.8

The DLO postals give testimony before a closed Congressional committee regarding an American soldier missing in action and presumed dead whose daughter they met previously At the same time

Sironia (2011)

IMDb: 5.8

A singer songwriter beat up by the L A music machine who moves with his wife to Sironia, Texas