HORROR Movies and Tvshows - Page 248

The Demolisher (2015)

IMDb: 3.4

In this gripping vigilante thriller, a seemingly ordinary repairman becomes a one man wrecking ball and takes to the streets looking to right the innumerable wrongs of a city gone mad

New Terminal Hotel (2010)

IMDb: 3.3

After his fiancee is brutally murdered, Don Malek sets out for revenge

Mary Reilly (1996)

IMDb: 5.8

A housemaid falls in love with Dr Henry Jekyll and his darkly mysterious counterpart, Mr Edward Hyde

Kill Me Now (2012)

IMDb: 5.4

A group of small town teens looking to drink a ton of beer in peace at a remote cabin in the woods find their party nearly ruined when theyre stalked by the deranged Driller Killer in this horrorcomedy featuring Michael Swaim

Midnight Movie (2008)

IMDb: 5.1

A midnight showing of an early 1970s horror movie turns to chaos when the Killer from the movie comes out of the film to attack those in the theater

Axe Massacre (2008)

IMDb: 5.6

An unsuspecting family, celebrating the Christmas holiday, falls victim to an axe weilding maniac known only as, the Santa Slasher

Star Vehicle (2010)

IMDb: 3.4

Star Vehicle follows the downward spiral of movie driver Donald Cardini, a self professed movie buff with a penchant for explosive violence When a young and self absorbed director challenges Dons authority, murder and mayhem ensu

Shreks Thrilling Tales (2012)

IMDb: 6.4

This is a three episode compilation The Pig who cried Werewolf and The Ghost of Lord Farquad are from the Shrek universe and The Night of The Living Carrots is from the Monsters vs Aliens universe

Bug Buster (1998)

IMDb: 3.9

Killer cockroaches swarm a small lakeside community

Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis (2

IMDb: 3.3

A group of teenagers, in an attempt to rescue their friend from an evil corporation, end up inadvertently releasing a horde of bloodthirsty zombies

Stepmonster (1993)

IMDb: 5.2

Todd Dougherty has an imagination driven by comic book So when he accuses his soon to be stepmother of being a monster, no one believes him When neighbors start turning up dead, it

Heatstroke (2008)

IMDb: 3.0

Gradually people notice the heat index is rising, and that all life on Earth is at risk, for a hoard of alien dinosaurs want to take over until a soldier and a ex model step in to take back planet Earth

Darkside Witches (2015)

IMDb: 4.2

In 1589, six innocent women were accused from the inquisition of witchery in the small ligurian mountain

Hair High (2004)

IMDb: 6.7

A gothic 50s high school comedy about a love triangle that goes terribly bad, as two young, murdered teens return to their prom to get revenge

Red Clover (2012)

IMDb: 4.2

A young woman accidentally releases a homicidal leprechaun while hunting, which brings back memories of her towns deadly past

The Sisterhood (2004)

IMDb: 2.7

Teen horror flick about a vampire that corrupts a college sorority

The Tooth Fairy (2006)

IMDb: 4.4

Darcy Wagner and her ten and a half year old daughter Pamela Pammy are heading to the bed and breakfast of her boyfriend Peter Campbell in the River Bend Road in Northern California

Tomb of the Werewolf (2004)

IMDb: 3.1

Pre credit opening sequence consists of Countess Erzabeth Bathory, making a pact with the devil in exchange for eternal youth beauty from sacrificing young, nubile virgin women After

Fire Serpent (2007)

IMDb: 3.4

Alien creatures emerge from the sun and attack Earth

The Curse of King Tuts Tomb (2006)

IMDb: 4.4

Thousands of years ago, the great Child King Tutankhamen ruled Few know the details of his life no one knows the secrets of his death But all is about to change In 1922 Cairo,

Queen of Blood (1966)

IMDb: 5.3

The year is 1990 An alien species makes contact with Earth through radio transmission, notifying of an imminent visit An alien ship crash lands on Mars, and a rescue team is sent from Earth Eventually a surviving female is located

Rhinoceros Eyes (2003)

IMDb: 6.5

A young autistic man living in a prop warehouse becomes involved in crime as he tries to win the heart of a beautiful set designer

Forgotten Scares An In depth Look at Fle

IMDb: 7.2

The feature length documentary Forgotten Scares goes back to the birth of Flemish horror in the 70s and shines a bright light on the future of horror in Belgium

Shark Week (2012)

IMDb: 2.5

A group of complete strangers find themselves isolated by a wealthy madman on his island compound

Silence Becomes You (2005)

IMDb: 4.3

The tale of two sisters, bound by more than blood, who bring home a man on a dare, only to see the situation spiral out of control

The Final (2010)

IMDb: 5.4

A group of high school outcasts get revenge on the students that torment them

The Grift (2008)

IMDb: 4.8

A 1940s period drama about a small town family of grifters including a beautiful daughter haunted by childhood trauma

A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)

IMDb: 7.2

A family is haunted by the tragedies of deaths within the family

Drive Thru (2007)

IMDb: 4.5

Horror gets Super Sized when Horny The Clown, the demonic mascot of Hella Burger, starts slashing Orange County teenagers with his meat cleaver from Hell

Frankenfish (2004)

IMDb: 4.7

A genetically altered fish wreaks havoc on a small fishing town

Husk (2011)

IMDb: 5.2

A group of friends stranded near a desolate cornfield find shelter in an old farmhouse, though they soon discover the dwelling is the center of a supernatural ritual

Pelt (2010)

IMDb: 3.6

Sudden, gory, death, hides behind every bush When beautiful Jennifer and her friends embark on a backpacking excursion deep into the woods, they come chest to chest with an evil as old as the trees Listen above the crackling of t

Snakeman (2005)

IMDb: 2.9

An object is found that points to the secret of eternal youth so a research team is sent to find the fountain only to find it is protected by a giant snake

The Cars That Ate Paris (1974)

IMDb: 5.6

The small town of Paris, Australia deliberately causes car accidents, then sellssalvages all valuables from the wrecks as a means of economy

Camp Slaughter (2005)

IMDb: 3.8

CAMP DAZE takes you back to the days of tube socks, bongs hits and short shorts, throws in a quiet summer camp full of blood and mayhem and watches the fun unfold

Night Watch (2004)

IMDb: 6.4

A fantasy thriller set in present day Moscow where the respective forces that control daytime and nighttime do battle