HORROR Movies and Tvshows - Page 300

Night Zero (2018)

IMDb: 3.0

Three couples struggle for survival after a massive catastrophe occurs in Baltimore

Blood Slaughter Massacre (2013)

IMDb: 3.0

10 years ago, Officer James Fincher narrowly escaped being killed at the hands of a masked maniac Now a Detective, a new string of murders has begun in Havenwood Has the Ripper returned

Apocalypse Z (2013)

IMDb: 2.3

A team of soldiers who are assembled to help end a zombie outbreak in a Romanian town

I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle (1990)

IMDb: 5.6

When a motorbike gang kills an occultist, the evil spirit he was summoning inhabits a damaged bike The bike is then bought and restored, but reveals its true nature when it tries to exact vengance on the gang, and anyone else who ge

Screamers (1995)

IMDb: 6.4

A military commander stationed off planet during an interplanetary war travels through the devastated landscape to negotiate a peace treaty, but discovers that the primitive robots they built to kill enemy combatants have gained sent

Dead Souls (2012)

IMDb: 4.5

Johnny Petrie learns on his 18th birthday that he was adopted after inheriting a farm in Maine Eager to start a new life, Johnny leaves home so he can began afresh in this new dwelling However, Johnny soon discovers that the farm

Nightmare (1964)

IMDb: 6.7

Janet is a young student at a private school her nights are troubled by horrible dreams in which she sees her mother, who is in fact locked in an insane asylum, haunting her Expelled because of her persistent nightmares, Janet is s

Book of Monsters (2018)

IMDb: 4.7

Sophies 18th birthday becomes a bloodbath when monsters descend upon her house and start to devour the party guests Sophie and her friends must rally together to send their party crashers back to hell

Morituris (2011)

IMDb: 4.1

While out driving, three young men meet two beautiful women and convince them to go with them to a rave out in a remote location Once there, the women realize that there is no rave and that the men lied to them in order to beat and

Bong of the Dead (2011)

IMDb: 3.3

When the world is taken over by flesh eating zombies, best friends Tommy and Edwin figure out a way to benefit from it by turning zombies into fertilizer for growing potent weed There will be bud

Silent Night, Zombie Night (2009)

IMDb: 4.1

A week before Christmas, a viral outbreak turns the citizens of Los Angeles into the walking dead With characters named Santa Zombie, Raccoon, Fingers and Little Daddy, who can resist this horrific holiday gift

Splintered (2010)

IMDb: 4.0

Something has been killing live stock in a remote part of North Wales and now its started attacking humans A teenager goes deep into the countryside to find this beast

Mortuary (1983)

IMDb: 5.2

Convinced that her fathers death was not accidental, a beautiful girl decides to investigate to find out the truth, aided by her boyfriend Her sleuthing draws her to a local mortuary, where many secrets will be revealed

Isabelle (2018)

IMDb: 4.3

A young couples dream of starting a family shatters as they descend into the depths of paranoia and must struggle to survive an evil presence that wants nothing more than their very own lives

Killer God (2010)

IMDb: 3.0

In the snowy landscapes of a Canadian winter, sacred Balinese statues have been desecrated Professor Rufus Elkin tries to stop the Balinese Gods from retaliating against those responsible for the crime, but he realizes that he is po

The Strange Door (1951)

IMDb: 6.3

Noble born cad Denis Stapley has been tricked into a forced stay at the eerie manor of the Sire de Maletroit Laughton, an evil madman who cant get over the death of his beloved, twenty years after she married his brother Cavana

Possession Diaries (2019)

IMDb: 1.9

Playing with a Ouija board is dangerous, and college student Rebecca Clarkson is now documenting the proof, as day by day a demon takes possession of her while a webcam audience watch the horrific event

Camp Blood First Slaughter (2014)

IMDb: 2.6

A group of students on a class assignment travel to the infamous Camp Blood woods in the hopes of debunking a local legend

Wretch (2018)

IMDb: 3.7

In an attempt to piece together fractured memories of a drug fueled night in the woods, three friends confront guilt, jealousy, and a supernatural presence that threatens to expose their true natures

Bug (1975)

IMDb: 5.2

An earthquake releases a strain of mutant cockroaches with the ability to start fires, which proceed to cause destructive chaos in a small town The studies carried out by scientist James Parmiter, however, reveal an intent with much

Hank Boyd Is Dead (2015)

IMDb: 4.6

A young woman hired to cater the post funeral gathering for accused killer Hank Boyd discovers his crimes and death may not be what they seem

Empathy, Inc. (2018)

IMDb: 5.5

An investor in a VR startup discovers that the reality the company provides isnt virtual

Rule of 3 (2008)

IMDb: 5.0

A suspenseful film noir that takes place at three points in time within a single motel room, viewing the events before, during, and after a college graduates abduction

Slink (2013)

IMDb: 2.5

After the unexplained death of their Uncle Arlo, Kayla Nunez and her sister venture to his home in the rural town of Wickenhaven

Killer Crocodile (1989)

IMDb: 4.7

A group of environmentalists arrives at a faraway tropical delta where toxic waste is being dumped However the water also hides a giant crocodile The corrupt local officials dont help much either

Caught (2017)

IMDb: 4.4

The film tells the story of a journalist couple who invite a man and woman into their idyllic village home, but what begins with an informal interview descends into a nightmarish fight for survival

Camp Killer (2016)

IMDb: 4.5

The sheriff of a town plagued by an unstoppable killer Meets up with his nemesis one last time as a pair of survivors complicate matters for the worse Who will be left standing and what will remain of their sanity

Exposure (2018)

IMDb: 2.9

To reconcile the problems in their relationship, Myra Anello and James Lawless go to a cabin in the mountains where they encounter an ancient evil that haunts the land, capable of turning people into monsters

Asian Ghost Story (2016)

IMDb: 2.7

The spirit of a dead Chinese railway worker seeking revenge possesses the body of a lethal assassin

Dr. Cyclops (1940)

IMDb: 6.5

A mad scientist working in the South American jungle miniaturizes his colleagues when he feels his megalomania is threatened

Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933)

IMDb: 6.8

The disappearance of people and corpses leads a reporter to a wax museum and a sinister sculptor

The Thing That Couldnt Die (1958)

IMDb: 3.9

A psychically gifted young woman discovers a centuries old crate buried on her aunts ranch Opening it, her family discovers the living head of Gideon Drew, a 16th century devil worshiper who was beheaded by Sir Francis Drake

Frankenstein 1970 (1958)

IMDb: 4.9

Needing money, the last of the Frankensteins leases his castle out to a film company as he tries to complete his ancestors gruesome experiments at creating life

Fetus (2008)

IMDb: 5.2

Kevins wife passed away while giving birth to their first born child He can not cope with the lose of of family and becomes obsessed with making contact with her by any means possible

Food of the Gods II (1989)

IMDb: 3.8

A growth hormone experiment gets out of hand, when the the resulting giant man eating rats escape, reaking havoc on the unsuspecting campus Much blood letting follows

Blind (2019)

IMDb: 3.5

A former actress, left blind after a botched surgery, struggles to put her life back together but realizes she isnt as alone as she thinks after meeting a few new friends