SCI Movies and Tvshows - Page 112

OneEyed Monster (2008)

IMDb: 4.2

A hostile alien wreaks havoc on the cast and crew of an adult movie

The Bamboo Saucer (1968)

IMDb: 5.5

A flying saucer hidden in a Red Chinese peasant village is sought by teams from the United States and U S S R On finding it, they band together to explore the saucer and take a trip into space

Liquid Sky (1982)

IMDb: 6.1

A small, heroin seeking UFO lands on a Manhattan roof, observes a bizarre, drug addicted fashion model and sucks endorphin from her sexual encounters brains

The Freedom of Silence (2011)

IMDb: 2.7

Its the year 2030, and the government has outlawed Christianity Enter Zach Thompson, a brave man who teams up with a friend to hack into the governments computer system to reclaim religious freedom for Americans

Alien Terminator (1995)

IMDb: 2.9

Five miles below the surface of planet Earth, a new fear is born

Ghost Voyage (2008)

IMDb: 3.5

A group of passengers plot their escape off a haunted ship to hell

Psycho a GoGo (1965)

IMDb: 4.2

Jewel thieves quickly dispose of the loot when the alarm is raised, then track down the family upon whose truck they threw them, meanly interrogating them in the hope of getting them back

Return of the Killer Tomatoes! (1988)

IMDb: 5.2

Crazy old Professor Gangreen has developed a way to make tomatoes look human for a second invasion

Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden

IMDb: 5.5

On a distant planet inhabited by mutants, two bounty hunters race to rescue three Earth female captives from the clutches of an evil mutant warlord

The Control (2017)

IMDb: 4.9

To send humanity to a distant galaxy, the mysterious CEO of The Fuller Corporation must develop a cutting edge computer brain interface to keep his hibernating colonizers safe and sane for a journey of unknown length

The Swamp of the Ravens (1974)

IMDb: 3.5

A doctor who believes death is not the end,and will go to any length to prove that

Alligator (1980)

IMDb: 6.0

A baby alligator is flushed down a Chicago toilet and survives by eating discarded laboratory rats injected with growth hormones The small reptile grows gigantic, escapes the city sewers, and goes on a rampage

Alligator II: The Mutation (1991)

IMDb: 3.8

A giant alligator runs amok in a small town lake

Dogora (1964)

IMDb: 5.7

An amorphous cellular life form descends from the atmosphere to consume carbon in the form of diamonds

Dracula 3000 (2004)

IMDb: 2.1

Count Dracula terrorizes the crew of a spaceship

The Immortalizer (1989)

IMDb: 4.4

A crazed scientist sends out his mutant creations to kidnap young, beautiful men and women to bring back to his lab so he can replace their brains with those of old, wealthy people

Plague (1979)

IMDb: 5.3

An ambitious lab assistant carries out a forbidden experiment and accidentally creates a deadly bacteria which kills her and rapidly engulfs the city The authorities order a curtain of secrecy and impose quarantine on all known cont

Beyond the Time Barrier (1960)

IMDb: 5.3

In 1960, a military test pilot is caught in a time warp that propels him to year 2024 where he finds a plague has sterilized the worlds population

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. H

IMDb: 6.8

Dr Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself

Around the World Under the Sea (1966)

IMDb: 5.3

The crew of a five man submarine travels the world oceans, planting sensors on the ocean floor to warn scientists of any impending earthquakes

Danger!! Death Ray (1967)

IMDb: 2.7

Secret Agent Bart Fargo chases the kidnappers of the inventor of a death ray

When Worlds Collide (1951)

IMDb: 6.6

As a new star and planet hurtle toward a doomed Earth, a small group of survivalists frantically work to complete the rocket which will take them to their new home

Gor II (1988)

IMDb: 2.3

An Earthman returns to the planet Gor, and fights against tyranny

Spawn of the Slithis (1978)

IMDb: 3.9

A nuclear leak creates a mutant Slithis sea monster, which terrorizes the variety of pets, winos, and hippies who hang around Venice, California

The Terminal Man (1974)

IMDb: 5.7

Hoping to cure his violent seizures, a man agrees to a series of experimental microcomputers inserted into his brain but inadvertently discovers that violence now triggers a pleasurable response his brain

The Psychotronic Man (1979)

IMDb: 2.9

A man discovers that he has psychotronic powers the ability to will people to die He begins exercising that power

Terror Out of the Sky (1978)

IMDb: 4.7

This TV sequel to The Savage Bees features more rampaging insects This time a marching band and a school bus get in the path of the bees

Monster Island (2019)

IMDb: 2.7

Gigantic monsters threaten to destroy everything in their path as mankind remains defenseless

The Astronaut of God (2020)

IMDb: 4.6

1962 An unprecedented quest in the outer space by the US Genesis 1491 space mission

Fatherland (1994)

IMDb: 6.5

In April 1964, more than twenty years after the Nazis won World War II, S S officer Xavier March Rutger Hauer uncovers a plot to eliminate the attendees of the Wannsee Conference so that Germany can establish better relations with the U S

The Day After (1983)

IMDb: 7.0

The effects of a devastating nuclear holocaust on small town residents of eastern Kansas

Beyond ReAnimator (2003)

IMDb: 5.8

After 13 years in prison, the mad scientist from Re Animator 1985 gets a new chance to experiment with the arrival of a young prison doctor, who secretly hopes to learn to reanimate dead people Good intentions turn to horror

The Man from Earth: Holocene (2017)

IMDb: 5.3

A 14,000 year old college professor notices that he has finally started showing signs of aging Meanwhile, four of his students get suspicious of him and start investigating his past

Toxic Skies (2008)

IMDb: 4.9

Anne Heche stars as a World Health Organization Doctor who uncovers the real cause of an epidemic is the governments secret chem trail program

Spaceways (1953)

IMDb: 5.1

A small group of closely guarded British scientists test their first rocket amidst indications of matrimonial strife in the community After the partial failure of the firing, a couple go missing have they gone off together or are

Invisible Man in Mexico (1958)

IMDb: 5.5

A scientist discovers a formula that makes him invisible