SCI Movies and Tvshows - Page 120

Mute Date (2019)

IMDb: 4.6

In the year 2020, a man and a woman go on a blind date in order to beta test a groundbreaking new technology

Gonks Go Beat (1964)

IMDb: 4.2

Bizarre sixties fable resembling Romeo and Juliette, but instead of Montagues and Capulets, there are two musical communities, one who like rock and roll and one who like ballads, who

Alligator (1980)

IMDb: 6.0

A baby alligator is flushed down a Chicago toilet and survives by eating discarded laboratory rats injected with growth hormones The small reptile grows gigantic, escapes the city sewers, and goes on a rampage

Meet the Hollowheads (1989)

IMDb: 5.3

The Hollowheads, a slightly darker and more satirical 80s take on The Jetsons 1962, have their hands full when the head of the familys sleazy and abusive boss invites himself to their family dinner

Timelock (1996)

IMDb: 3.1

Its the 23rd century, and the worlds most dangerous criminal has taken over the maximum security prison on asterod Alpha 4 Caught in the middle are a petty thief and a prison transport pilot

Mandragore (1952)

IMDb: 6.0

A scientist creates a beautiful perfect woman, but since she is artificial, she seems soul less and with no sense of morality, she brings ruin to all around her

Infinitum: Subject Unknown (2021)

IMDb: 5.7

A mind bending slice of British science fiction, with cameos from Sir Ian McKellen and Conleth Hill Jane Tori Butler Hart is trapped in a parallel universe and is forced to find a way to alter her reality before it is too late

Of Starlight (2011)

IMDb: 4.8

When Terrys wife is senselessly murdered, the police are powerless to enforce justice, so he pursues his own solution However, the one responsible for Terrys pain is on his own journey his mission is to return home beyond the sta

Fallen (2018)


Baek Jo Kyoung, a world renowned female Sci fi writer, faces a stigma from society She gets kidnapped at the bar unconscious and wakes up in a strange warehouse Now, she must fight against unidentifiable enemies and her worst fears

Ich bin dein Mensch (2021)

IMDb: 7.1

In order to obtain research funds for her studies, a scientist accepts an offer to participate in an extraordinary experiment for three weeks, she is to live with a humanoid robot, created to make her happy

Stereo (1969)

IMDb: 5.1

A group of Canadian university students agree to partake in a grisly psychological experiment, which renders them incapable of speech but able to communicate telepathically

Viral (2016)

IMDb: 5.5

Following the outbreak of a virus that wipes out the majority of the human population, a young woman documents her familys new life in quarantine and tries to protect her infected sister

Frankenstein Conquers the World (1965)

IMDb: 5.5

Near the end of WWII, Germans transport the immortal heart of Frankensteins monster to Japan, where it is seeming lost in the bombing of Hiroshima Years later a wild boy is found, born from the immortal heart

CatWomen of the Moon (1953)

IMDb: 3.9

Astronauts travel to the moon where they discover it is inhabited by attractive young women in black tights

Brown Girl Begins (2017)

IMDb: 3.5

Its 2049 on a forsaken island off the coast of Toronto where the survival of the islanders depends on young Ti Jeanne to risk death by a spirit so she can take her place as a caribbean priestess and save her people

Illuminate (2020)

IMDb: 3.8

A luminous force within Mount Shasta may hold clues behind the disappearance of Emma Roses brother and grandfather Emma discovers her unique ability to astral travel back through time which may unlock the mystery to their disappear

The Rise of Sir Longbottom (2021)

IMDb: 3.2

Pocketman, Cargoboy and all your favorite agents are back to face a dangerous new threat When Sir Longbottom comes up with a plan for world domination it will take everything just to have a chance of stopping him

Brain of Blood (1971)

IMDb: 3.0

Amir, the benevolent ruler of Kalid, is dying, but there is hope Freshly deceased, he is flown to the United States where Dr Trenton transplants his brain into the body of a simpleton in a classic assistant got the wrong kind o

Imitation Girl (2017)

IMDb: 5.0

A mysterious young woman materializes in the middle of the southwest desert, where each step teaches her about her new world and her new body As she assumes a new life, she discovers she has a twin with whom she shares more than jus

F.P.1 (1933)

IMDb: 6.1

1932 Conrad Veldt, Jill Esmond, Leslie Fenton Right out of Amazing Stories A gigantic floating platform is built in the mid Atlantic for use as a oceanic airport However, its destruction seems imminent at the hands of foreign sa

Bloodmonkey (2007)

IMDb: 3.1

A renowned but mad professor leads a small group of American students into the jungles of Africa to investigate a remote tribe of killer chimpanzees rumored to be the missing link

Hand of Death (1962)

IMDb: 4.6

Alex Marsh has created a serum combining a hypnotic drug and nerve gas Unfortunately he uses himself as a guinea pig and the drug transforms him into a murderous monster