M4uMv Search : jun fukuda

Esupai (1974)

IMDb: 5.5

A bad ESP syndicate is planning to kill world leaders through mental telepathy The good guys are a top secret group called ESPY and theyre in charge of stopping the killer psychics

The War in Space (1977)

IMDb: 5.0

Earth is attacked by alien spacecraft from Venus But a Japanese scientist has constructed a space craft, the Gohten, with which he may save humanity

All Monsters Attack (1969)

IMDb: 3.9

A latchkey child living in the industrial city of Kawasaki confronts his loneliness through his escapist dreams of Monster Island and friendship with Minilla

Son of Godzilla (1967)

IMDb: 5.3

A reporter stumbles upon weather experiments on a tropical island, discovering giant mantids, a cast away woman, and an infant monster that Godzilla must adopt and learn to raise as one of his own

Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973)

IMDb: 4.8

An inventor creates a humanoid robot named Jet Jaguar that is seized by the undersea nation of Seatopia Using Jet Jaguar as a guide, the Seatopians send Megalon as vengeance for the nuclear tests that have devastated their society

Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974)

IMDb: 6.4

An Okinawan prophecy appears to foretell Earths destruction at the hands of Godzilla, only for the true Godzilla to reveal his doppelganger as a mechanical alien weapon

Destroy All Monsters (1968)

IMDb: 6.5

At the turn of the century, Earths monsters have been safely rounded up and studied on Monsterland Chaos erupts when a race of she aliens known as the Kilaaks unleashes the monsters across the world

Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)

IMDb: 6.2

Attempts to salvage Mechagodzilla are thwarted, causing an INTERPOL investigation that uncovers the work of a shunned biologist and his daughter, whos life becomes entwined with the resurrected machine

Densô ningen (1960)

IMDb: 6.1

Men are being murdered by a psycho called The Telegian, who uses a matter transmitting device to locate his victims

Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972)

IMDb: 5.7

A manga artist becomes suspicious of his employers when a garbled message is discovered on tape As he forms a team to investigate, Godzilla and Anguirus set out to help defeat the invaders

Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (1966)

IMDb: 5.5

A teen searching for his brother stows away on a criminals boat that shipwrecks on Letchi island, where terrorists have enslaved the Infant Island natives Discovering Godzilla asleep, they decide to awaken him to liberate the nativ